Thankful Turkey Apples
Thanksgiving is a week away. So much to do with buying the turkey, stuffing the turkey, digging up the yams and making pies. You have all this to do and the kids are just BORED! Here is a great activity to keep your kids busy while you get the food cooking.
My family made these years ago. This is one of my favorite pictures of all time (sorry kids). These cute kids were much younger then and some now even have kids of their own. I am so thankful for each of them (remember to write that on a feather) plus all the wonderful new additions to the family (remember to write that on another feather).
The first thing we did was cut out our feathers. There is a PDF in this post that you can print out your feathers. Then the kids all colored them and wrote all of the things they are thankful for on every feather. We used a carrot for the nose with a toothpick through it and stuck the raisins on with water (they got sticky). We taped toothpicks on every feather and then stuck them in the apples in a tail feather fan.
Afterwards the kids displayed their thankful turkey apples for this GREAT photo. Then do you know what we did? We gobbled up those turkeys for a healthy snack.
Here is a printable page for the turkey feathers. You can print them on colored paper for a variety of colors or just let the kids color the feathers.
Thankful Turkey Feathers PDF
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!
Tags: family, Feather, holidays, Thanksgiving