We are just a few days away from the big guy coming to our house. Santa must be preparing for a big night. This week we hung all of our stockings. It was a huge job. Twenty six stockings all hung in a row. As my husband and I started adding up the family members we were sure we had counted somebody twice or even three times. As we recalculated and wrote down each name we came to realize that 26 was the magical number. This past year we added a son in law, two granddaughters and a soon to be son in law. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful family.
So now with all of the decorating done and stockings hung we realized that we had a huge job ahead of us. Christmas shopping!
Our grown kids are easy. It’s a surprise but we are really excited about it, but the grandchildren! What do we get for the grandchildren? Does anyone have any ideas?
I checked my list and I checked it twice and still I am unsure. Here are some of my ideas:
I think that anything Frozen would work for the granddaughters. How about this Disney Frozen Doll Set
The grandsons are all into different things right now. So I have a couple of ideas for them. They love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Incredible Hulk
. Those would be easy gifts for my little guys. How about this fun idea?
After I saw a train chugging around my son-in-laws Christmas tree this year I knew this would be a great idea. Every young boy needs a choo-choo train for Christmas.
But I know that every grandchild from newborn to 5 years old would love and be able to easily maneuver this great device. On sale this week, the Fire HD 7 Kids Edition.
I am amazed with the intelligence of these little children. They know how to swipe and click and handle all electronic devices. I shouldn’t be surprised though. They have some pretty smart parents.
I am still undecided. So many ideas, so little time. What are some ideas you have for your children or grandchildren? I am open for suggestions.